Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

How to unblock the sciatic nerve ?

Do you sometimes feel severe pain in your lower back after a session at the gym?  Or do you feel a kind of electric shock at the slightest movement after having spent several hours without moving? ? If you find yourself in one of these situations, then there is a good chance that you are suffering from sciatica. This is why we suggest that you discover in the following some very effective tricks to help you get rid of the sciatic nerve unblock the sciatic nerve.

What is sciatica ?

Before talking about sciatica, it is important to learn a little more about the nerve that bears the same name. This is obviously the sciatic nerve, also known as the ischiatic nerve. It is the largest and longest nerve in the entire body.

It is responsible for most of the movements of the human body, especially those of the lower limbs. It is also the nerve that allows us to feel certain sensations. These two capacities make it a mixed nerve, i.e. a nerve that is both motor and sensory.

The roots of the sciatic nerve are located in the spinal cord. One of the main roots of this nerve exits between the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae (the lumbar vertebrae support the back behind the abdomen). The other main root comes out between the fifth lumbar vertebra and the first sacral vertebra (the sacral vertebrae underlie the back behind the genital area, or more precisely at the level of the buttocks).

Thus, to define sciatica, we will simply say that it is a back pain for which you must unblock the sciatic nerve. The pain spreads along the nerve, and in this case we speak of neuralgia. Sometimes this sensation is associated with back pain: this is called lumbosciatica.

Note that sciatica is felt differently from one person to another. It can manifest itself as a sensation of electric shock, pain or tingling in the thigh. Sometimes the pain is felt in the buttock, down the leg and up the back’at the end of your toes.

Also, most people with sciatica complain of stabbing pain, weakness in one (or both) legs, pinching, cramping and radiating into the foot.

What causes sciatic pain ?

Sciatica can occur for a number of reasons, but the most common cause is a herniated disc (a displacement of the spine)’anti-shock between the vertebrae). It is, in fact, the latter that may lead you to have to unblock the sciatic nerve.

The herniated disc is a disease that affects the intervertebral disc. It causes back pain and can lead to cruralgia. This occurs when one of the roots of the sciatic nerve undergoes an inflammation following a compression of the intervertebral disc, the anti-shock.

During pregnancy, lumbosciatica can be observed due to posture disorders. But once the delivery is over, things go back to normal.

Other reasons that can explain sciatica include:

  • Lumbar osteoarthritis
  • The lumbar trauma
  • The vertebral tumor located in the spinal canal…

How to prevent sciatic nerve pain ?

Nowadays, most back pain (with or without sciatica) is caused by a lifestyle that consists of keeping the same posture for a relatively long time, without moving. This sedentary lifestyle causes a weakening of the muscles that support the back, and we end up having to look for ways to relieve the sciatic nerve unblock the sciatic nerve.

So if you want to prevent sciatica, practice a sport activity frequently enough. However, remember to warm up well beforehand, and do activities of varying intensity to give your body time to get used to your new lifestyle.

To avoid having to unblock the sciatic nerve, you must be able to identify the movements that triggered the previous sciatica, in order to avoid them as much as possible. It is also necessary to be careful with very intense sports activities. In addition, a healthy diet will prevent you from increasing your efforts during physical activities.

If you are overweight, it will be necessary to lose a few pounds.

You should know that your back is as important as your legs and arms in the overall functioning of your body. Think of adopting some simple gestures to maintain it at its best. It will be necessary to walk regularly, to stretch, and especially to change position as much as possible in your workplace.

Even the way you sit should change, as you should definitely use chairs with armrests. Also consider a backrest for your back and a footrest for your feet.

Always with the aim of not having to unblock the sciatic nerve, You should also be careful when you have to pick up an object. Favour a posture in which you are facing the patient’You can pick up an object, and then squat down to pick it up without endangering your back. However, if the object is high up, consider using a stepladder.

You now have all the information you need about sciatica and how to avoid it. Therefore, you will only have to apply the above advice to avoid having to unblock your sciatic nerve later on.