Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

How the orthopedist helps with back pain?

Back pain is a common complaint. About three quarters of Germans have to deal with it at times.

In most cases, strained muscles and ligaments or the wear and tear of intervertebral discs are the reason for the often unbearable pain.

Recommended in this case is an Specialist for orthopedics.

After a carefully conducted anamnesis, the physician can, in the best case, make a concrete diagnosis and advise on various therapeutic options.

The medical specialty of an orthopedist encompasses the cause research and treatment of injuries and diseases of the components of our musculoskeletal system.

This includes bones, muscles, joints and tendons.

Back pain: an overview

When it comes specifically to back pain, a distinction is made between two main groups – the specific and the non-specific pain.

The classification helps to sort out the many different variations of severity.

If no concrete indications of the cause to be treated can be determined, one speaks of non-specific back pain.

The majority of back problems originate here. The reason for the pain is often shortened, tense or overstretched muscles.

For specific back pain, on the other hand, a definitive diagnosis can be made after taking a patient’s history.

The temporal course can also provide information about possible clinical pictures.

Acute back pain is new and lasts for a maximum of six weeks.

However, if the pain does not improve within twelve weeks, there is a risk that it will become chronic.

The determination of the location is also relevant. Back pain most frequently occurs in the area of the lumbar spine.

Triggers can be, for example, muscle hardening or injuries to the intervertebral disc.

Even pain at mid-spine level can be restrictive in everyday life and should be taken seriously. This can be triggered by irritation of the muscles.

Damage to the spine, often caused by incorrect posture, becomes noticeable through tension and hardening of the muscles.

Psychological and occupational stresses have an influence and cause pain, which often radiates to the arms or the back of the head as well.

The condition is literally not to be taken lightly.

Untreated clinical pictures often result in a chromatic curvature or stiffening of the spine and must therefore be presented to a doctor.

Diagnostic procedure

In the case of non-specific back pain, the medical history provides information about the type of complaints that are most likely to be present.

In addition, a thorough physical examination is performed.

Here the movement as well as the feeling sensation and muscle reflexes of the limbs are controlled.

In every case history, certain risk factors to which the patient may be exposed are also examined.

Psychological stress or workplace-related aspects are also illuminated.

Often the diagnostic procedure of the specific disease processes is a test of patience for affected persons.

In order to be able to make a clear diagnosis, the entire examination catalog is usually consulted for support.

In addition to the type and origin of the complaints, accompanying symptoms must also be taken into account. In addition, a blood sample can provide information.

If there is evidence of a specific cause or the patient’s pain describes a period of more than six weeks, imaging procedures help the experts to make a comprehensive diagnosis.

X-ray, computer tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be used.

Due to the partly unhealthy rays for the body, CT and X-ray procedures are only prescribed with restraint.

The patient’s consent is a prerequisite for this.

Conventional treatment methods

The Orthopedics offers different methods of treatment, depending on the diagnosis made. Not only specific back pain is treated.

Even in the case of non-specific ailments, there are options available to those affected to alleviate pain in the long term.

A conventional therapeutic measure is, for example stabilizing aids.

For working people, who spend a large part of their time sitting, create Back support cushions or bandages uncomplicated remedy.

Physical therapy approaches include, among others Heat or water applications or Massages.

After misuse or overstraining, stuck fasciae and tense muscles can be gently released.

For short-term but rapid relief of symptoms, muscle-relaxing drugs or painkillers can be used.

Decongestant or pain-relieving drugs are applied via cortisone-containing preparations in injection and infusion therapies applied. Extensive information is obligatory before treatment.

Since the clinical picture of patients with chronic pain is often accompanied by psychological suffering, the following methods are available psychotherapeutic measures available to support the mind as a result of persistent complaints in addition to physiotherapeutic care.

If conventional methods are not able to relieve the sufferer completely, they can be used to treat the pain surgical interventions are often the last resort. The chances of recovery are good after taking this measure.

The treating surgeons act as experts in their field and operate according to the latest standards. A high degree of safety is guaranteed.

In addition, patients are accompanied by trained personnel throughout the treatment process.

Alternative treatment methods

In addition, alternative healing methods of orthodox medicine can support the therapy of patients.

The human body is considered as a whole and the concept is mainly based on the use of natural methods of treatment.

However, the effect of many alternative healing methods is disputed among physicians due to a lack of scientific basis.

Due to good experiences many affected persons are nevertheless convinced of the effect of the therapy forms.

The list of alternative medical approaches practiced by some orthopedists is very extensive.

Three of the best known healing methods are presented below.

acupuncture is a treatment method of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).

The traditional healing practice is based on a life energy. This energy is called Qi and flows unhindered through the meridians in healthy people.

In pain therapy, acupuncture is a recognized form of therapy. Blockages are stimulated with acupuncture needles to restore the flow of energy.

Also acupressure is a component of Chinese medicine. Through targeted pressure, tapping or circular movements of the fingers, points on the body are stimulated, similar to acupuncture.

Muscles are loosened and blood circulation to certain areas of the body is stimulated.

Based on the principle of similarity, the aim of the Homeopathy, stimulate the self-healing of a sick body with the same or similar secretions.

The body’s own healing can be activated so that discomfort can be relieved naturally.

Due to the many causes of back pain, it is advisable to consult a doctor in order to treat complaints preventively.